Strawberries, fruit bushes - raspberries, blackberries, blackcurrants, blueberries


  • Seedlings are soaked at an air temperature of 18-25 aboutWith for a period of 12 hours in a 5% solution of BIOHUMAX® in water (e.g. 50 ml of the product in 1 liter of water);
  • RecommendandetcisThe standard rate of the working solution is 10 liters of finished solution for 100 roots;
  • Planting should be carried out immediately after removing the seedlings from the solution. The remaining solution can be used for root feeding of the newly sown strawberry plants.


  • The roots of the saplings are soaked for faster rooting and disease prevention in a 2% solution of BIOHUMAX® in water for 24 hours;
  • RecommendandetcisThe standard rate of the working solution is 10 liters of finished solution for 100 roots;
  • Planting should be done immediately after removing the roots from the solution. The remaining solution can be used for root nutrition of the newly planted fruit bushes.


1st soil fertilization (watering):
When creating new plantations poiling is carried out with a dose of 1 % solution of BIOHUMAX® in water (eg 10 ml of the product in 1 l of water) with norm 100 l working solution per acre up to 14 days after planting.
In the case of existing plantations, watering is carried out in the period from October to November 2 % solution of BIOHUMAX® in water (e.g. 20 ml of the product in 1 l of water) with norm 100 l working solution per acre. After watering with the working solution, watering can continue until reaching the optimal irrigation rate per area.

2nd soil fertilization (watering):
Watering is carried out with a dose of 2 % solution of BIOHUMAX® in water (eg 20 ml of the product in 1 l of water) with norm 100 litra working solution per acre at the beginning of the permanent spring vegetation. After watering with the working solution, watering can continue until reaching the optimal irrigation rate per area.

1st foliar fertilization (spraying):
Spraying is carried out in phase 3-you 5-and true leaf of plants - for strawberries and the length of young undergrowth 5 - 10 cm - for fruit bushes with dose of 2 % solution of BIOHUMAX® in water (eg 20 ml of the product in 1 l of water).

2nd foliar fertilization (spraying):
Spraying is carried out in phase before mass flowering of crops with dose of 2 % solution of BIOHUMAX® in water (eg 20 ml of the product in 1 l of water).

3rd foliar fertilization (spraying):
Spraying is carried out in phase grow the string to the size of a pea with dose of 2 % solution of BIOHUMAX® in water (eg 20 ml of the product in 1 l of water).

4th foliar fertilization (spraying):
Spraying is carried out in stage 5 10 days after first harvest of the fruits with dose of 2 % solution of BIOHUMAX® in water (eg 20 ml of the product in 1 l of water).


  • After treatment of the planting material, rapid and friendly interception is observed;
  • The root system of young plants develops strongly;
  • Resistance to bacteriological and viral diseases improves;
  • Pin the Polish cultivation of berries, an increase in the leaf mass in absolute values ​​and an increase in the root biomass is observed;
  • Plants set 5 to 10% more flowers than untreated plants with BIOHUMAX®.


  • Introducednail yield in absolute values ​​by up to 35%;
  • Leads to improved metabolism and better utilization of nutrients from the soil for plants;
  • Limits binding of radionuclides and heavy metals in the soil;
  • An alternative to mineral fertilization when growing berry and fruit bushes up to 100%;
  • Suppresses the causative agents of some fungal and viral diseases;
  • Improves the taste and aroma qualities of fruits, due to the ability to support the process of generating dry and aromatic substances in the culture;
  • Blocks nitrates in the soil and turns them into forms unavailable to plants.