Biohumax ® - Mechanism of operation sunflower wheat corn tuber crops fruit trees vine plantations rose plantations
Biohumax Biohumax

Mechanism of operation

The effects of the product BIOHUMAX® are different and manifold. The main reason for the overall favorable influence of the product is due to the high content of humin acids and humus. Humin acids are complex compounds, they do not dissolve in water, with the exception of a small part – fulvo-acids, but during the treating of their bases they are reduced to soluble salts – humates of potassium, sodium and ammonia. It is the soluble humates that are physiologically active, which was first proven by Prof. Lydia Hristeva from the Hersones University in Ukraine about 55 years ago. Over the years, this was confirmed by researchers Ziechmann W., S. Bernhard, Piccolo A., Conte P., Cozzolino A., Guetzloff T. F., etc.

The manifold effect of the humates can be explained with their simultaneous impact on all elements of the future crops – water, soil and plant. Penetrating into water, humates modify its structure in such a way that it becomes better organized and closer to the structure of ice crystals. As a result, water acquires certain characteristics of “meltwater”, improving the nourishment of plants. Penetrating into soil, humates restore its structure – they convert soluble forms of lead, mercury, cadmium and other harmful and radioactive elements, including poisonous industrial wastes and environmentally hazardous chemicals into insoluble ones. Also, humates form complex compounds with phosphorus and microelements, which are easily assimilated by plants, and this rapidly increases the effectiveness of mineral fertilizers. Penetrating the plant and affecting it on a cellular level, humates raise the germination rate of seeds, accelerate plant development, stimulate ferment synthesis, increase resistance to draught, frosts and radiation, increase cellular energy, facilitate the formation of chlorophyll, vitamin С, sugar, amino acids, and other important structural substances.

Humates regulate plant metabolism by preventing accumulation nitrates, selectively contribute for the penetration of potassium ions in cellular membranes. The results from the utilization of humates in Bulgaria are increased yields of all agricultural products. There is a confirmed increase of yields of wheat from 13 to 25%, barley by 5 to 17%, millet by 25 to 50%, corn by up to 30%, biomass by 6 to 20%, potatoes, carrots, beetroot, radishes by 25 to 40%, cotton by 10 to 30%, cucumbers by 34 to 38%, tomatoes by 20 to 30%, cabbage by 25 to 35%, apples by 8 to 20%, grapes by 25 to 30%, forage grasses by up to 100%. Floricultural companies report increased quantity of blooms for roses and carnations by 30 to 100%, accelerated blooming – with 10-15 days earlier than usual.
Humates accelerate water exchange, physiological and oxidation processes and improve nourishment, especially when nourishment conditions do not correspond to standards and there is industrial waste pollution.

Growing various agricultural crops – wheat, corn, potatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, etc. – necessitate the use of large quantities of nitrogen fertilizers. The use of humates reduces by an average of 50% the necessity for nitrogen additives. In the USA it has been proven that the utilization of humates completely prevents chlorosis and helps treat plants from it.

One of the main problems of agriculture is the effective assimilation of mineral fertilizers. The problem is that the highly soluble potassium and nitrogen are easily washed away from the soil, and phosphate fertilizers, on the contrary, bind with the ions of potassium, magnesium, aluminum, and iron, forming inert insoluble compounds. The presence of humates significantly increases the effectiveness of assimilation of mineral fertilizers. The assimilation of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers is increased many times due to the easier (unimpeded) penetration of active substances through cellular membranes. The combination of mineral fertilizers with humates guarantees their complete assimilation.

Humates play an important role for the transporting of microelements. Thousands of years ago they accumulated the important microelements in nature in forms accessible to plants. The treatment of plants with humates guarantees the constant supply of plants with microelements.

Soil fertility has always been linked to its humus content. Humin substances participate in regulating practically all soil properties.

They are more effective in the early stages of development of plants and animals.

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